GitHub download partial repository
There may be times when a developer wants one or two projects from a GitHub repository rather than downloading the entire repository.
- Git needs to be installed which can be download here.
- Double click on the file once downloaded.
- Under options select Windows Explorer integration.
- Follow through with the remaining options/prompts e.g. select an editor etc.
Downloading one or more projects
Select a GitHub repository url and the folders to download.
For example, the repository
There are two projects, Events_1 and ExceptionHandling (which Events_1 project references).
Create a folder on the computer, create a batch file with the following commands.
mkdir code
cd code
git init
git remote add -f origin
git sparse-checkout init --cone
git sparse-checkout add Events_1
git sparse-checkout add ExceptionHandling
git pull origin master
Run the batch file, copy the folders to a Visual Studio solution and if needed do a Restore NuGet Package command inside of Visual Studio by right clicking on the solution explorer.
- There will be root files besides the folder but no worries all that is needed are the folders and the entire code folder is a temp folder.
- Older versions of Git may not work. At the command line or powershell command line type the following to get Git version. git --version The version should be 2.28.0 or better, may work with one version down.
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