Entity Framework Core Find method code samples
At one time or another a record needs to be located, usually developers will use FirstOrDefault or SingleOrDefault (along with First and Single) to find a single records. When working with a primary key using the Find and FindAsync method will find entities in the added state that are not yet persisted while the Where method will not and need to query the database. Also, in many cases Find will be a good deal faster than Where. What developers need to do is learn what methods are available and work with the appropriate method for a specific task e.g. a model has City name, using Find will not work as it's used on primary keys while FirstOrDefault to find the first city interested in or Where to find all cities interested in. Here the Customers table has a single primary key, FindAsync will if a entity is located with the key passed in keys will record an entity while navigation properties will not be included. See in repository . public static async ...